4.3.21 Happy World Book Day to you all!
Today is extra special because we are celebrating our love of books with children all over the world. We would have loved for you all to be in school with us, so instead, we are bringing World Book Day celebrations to you.
Did you hear Mrs Douglas on BBC Newcastle Radio this morning? She was talking about what World Book Day is like this year in school and at home! Have a listen here!
Have you heard the first ever World Book day song by MC Grammar?? How many stories can you spot in the song?
We have put together a collection of videos of staff from across the school sharing their favourite books. Get yourselves snuggled up, relax and choose a staff member to read you a story from the comfort of your own home. You could even listen to your teacher reading you a bedtime story.
It won’t be long until you are back in school and enjoying story time in class with your friends. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy sharing some of our favourite stories at home.
Have a great World Book Day!