Click here to see Mortimer Primary School’s performance-related tables.

Whole School Snap Shot 2023

KS2 SAT Results 2023

These are the 2nd key stage 2 attainment statistics since 2019, after assessments were cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic

These statistics cover the attainment of year 6 pupils who took assessments in summer 2023. We are immensely proud of each and every one of the children whatever their results.

Scaled scores are used to report the results of tests so that accurate comparisons of performance can be made over time.

Our Headline Facts & Figures

70% of Mortimer pupils met the expected standard in all of reading, writing and maths, down from 78% in 2022.

80% of our pupils met the expected standard in reading, down from 90% in 2022.

83% of our pupils met the expected standard in maths, down from 87% in 2022.

84% of our pupils met the expected standard in writing, up from 83% in 2022.

86% of our pupils met the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling, up from 84% in 2022.

93% of our pupils met the expected standard in science, up from 92% in 2022


The National Picture

These statistics cover the attainment of year 6 pupils who took assessments in summer 2023. These pupils experienced disruption to their learning during the pandemic, particularly at the end of year 3 and in year 4.

Reading, writing and maths combined – 59% unchanged from 2022

unchanged from 2022 In individual subjects, attainment increased in maths, writing and science compared to 2022. Attainment remained the same in GPS and fell in reading.

In reading, 73% of pupils met the expected standard, down from 75% in 2022.

In maths, 73% of pupils met the expected standard, up from 71% in 2022.

In writing, 71% of pupils met the expected standard, up from 69% in 2022.

In grammar, punctuation and spelling, 72% of pupils met the expected standard, unchanged from 2022.

In science, 80% of pupils met the expected standard, up from 79% in 2022.

Attainment in all of reading, writing and maths (combined) remained the same as in 2022.

In all of reading, writing and maths, 59% of pupils met the expected standard, unchanged from 2022.

School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently.

School performance data should be considered alongside a range of other information about the school, which could include looking at school websites, reading Ofsted reports, and speaking to the school directly. Conclusions should not be drawn on a single piece of data alone.