Dear Parent/Carers,

A BIG welcome to our new Reception families! My name is Mrs Peacock, I am Deputy Head and Early Years Lead here at Mortimer Primary. As well as being part of the teaching team, I oversee everything EYFS and enjoy supporting our children and families throughout there Reception journey and beyond. I look forward to getting to know you all.

At Mortimer Primary School we believe in providing a high quality, secure foundation for the future learning and development of our children. Our ambitious EYFS curriculum allows our children to grow as individuals, develop their interpersonal skills, build resilience and confidence as well as become critical and creative thinkers. Every child is recognised as a unique individual and we celebrate the differences within our school community.

We strive to provide a fun, nurturing/secure and challenging environment that enables each child to thrive regardless of any barriers to their learning.

Our school ethos is embedded within the day to day life of our EYFS. Our 4 values shape how we behave, what we say to each other and how we build relationships as well as how we learn.

 We work closely with our parents, previous nurseries and childminders as well as KS1 staff to ensure our transitions are as smooth as possible for all involved. This also ensures continuity and consistency between settings / key stages.

We look forward to working with your children.

Mrs Peacock

Reception Transition Book

Wrap around care

We understand that a lot of our parents are working parents and that drop offs and collections around the school day can be tricky. We have developed excellent links with Bright Kids based at Mortimer Community Centre. They are Ofsted registered and can provide a reliable solution for working families both during and out of term time.

One of the services they provide is a drop off and collection via an on-site gate which connects Mortimer Community College and Mortimer Primary School. Children can be dropped off from 7:30am, They can collect your child after their nursery session and can provide a late collection time of up to 6:00pm each day. Here is a link to their prices and services provided.