Pupil Premium
What is pupil premium and how have we spent our allocation.
Our vision for Mortimer Primary School is to provide an outstanding education for every individual child. We strive to provide Excellence for all, so that every single child reaches their full potential and leaves school fully prepared, confident and excited for the next phase in their education.
We want to give our children cultural capital on which to build, so every child, regardless of race, gender, socio-economic background or ability, partakes in experiences which will enable them to take a lead role in society in later life.
We strive for excellence in achievement for all children in literacy and numeracy and across the wider curriculum. The children are empowered to take an active part in their learning and we provide a rich variety of experiences which promote their personal, social, physical and creative development. We provide a safe and caring school environment. We aim to protect children from bullying and discrimination and develop their emotional skills and well-being. We are proud to be a welcoming and caring school in which each child is enabled to succeed.
Quality first teaching is at the forefront of our approach, with a focus on areas in which disadvantaged pupils require the most support. Through this we hope to have the greatest impact on closing the disadvantaged attainment gap and at the same time benefiting the non-disadvantaged pupils in our school. Our intention is that non-disadvantaged pupils’ attainment will be sustained and improved alongside progress for their disadvantaged peers.
The school makes use of data analysis to focus on the progress of pupils entitled to Pupil Premium. Staff closely monitor the effectiveness of any chosen strategy or intervention. Governors review the impact of the measures as part of their role. We have a designated Pupil Premium link governor who has regular contact with teaching staff and the senior leadership team.
The pupil premium provision may include:
- Achievement and Progress work including the use of additional intervention work to accelerate progress for targeted groups or individuals to catch up and keep up.
- Learning support to enable children to fully access learning and accelerate progress where there are special educational learning needs
- Pastoral Work undertaken to raise self-esteem, provide emotional resilience and extend personal skills.
- Out of Hours and Enrichment to ensure that children are given a full opportunity to develop talents in sport and creativity and extending experiences for all children.
Breakdown of costs and impact:
24-25-Pupil Premium Strategy Statement-MPS