About the course

Mortimer Primary School has been the lead primary school for the School Led PGCE since 2016. We are an Ofsted ‘Good’ (2024) rated school and a thriving teaching school from 2014 to 2021. Our accredited provider is the University of Northumbria.

Who Are We

Karen Mackay is Lead School Mentor for the School Led PGCE. Her role involves co-ordinating the course and compiling the training programme. She is Assistant Head Teacher for Curriculum and Teaching and has been a class teacher at Mortimer since 2005 and has led the School Led PGCE since 2016. Karen is a Special Leader of Education and delivers in-house training on the course as well as liaising with partner schools organising placements and monitoring student progress. Any questions regarding the course can be directed to [email protected] or 0191 4554504