Dear parents/carers,

Following the announcement of schools fully reopening, we would like to share our plans with you.

Mortimer Primary School will fully reopen on Monday 8th March and we look forward to seeing all children back in a full bustling school!

We have attached a full overview of our plans, with most elements staying the same since we started the year back in September. Please note the following.

  • School times remain the same as pre-Christmas.
  • Children should be in uniform.
  • Lunches need to be booked the week prior and by Wednesday via Parent Pay.
  • We ask that parents wear face coverings when on site dropping off and picking up children.
  • Staff are asked to wear face coverings in school when not able to social distance with other adults. This does not affect staff when teaching.

Again, we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the parents who have worked diligently to keep your pupils working at home. We know how hard this has been and we are so proud of how our pupils have engaged with the set work. You all deserve medals. No doubt it will be strange for the pupils who have been in school since January seeing the class rooms full and their class mates back at school. But what a great sight it will be!

Let’s hope this is the start to life returning to normal!

From all the staff – thank you for your support throughout these challenging times. It is appreciated.

Ps. As you drop your children off on Monday, please don’t cheer too loudly as you leave

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