Dear parents/carers,
Welcome to another half term at Mortimer!
Please find some information about upcoming events.
Thank you
Mortimer Moments
Our latest half termly newsletter is ready for you to view.
Start 2 Finish Afterschool Clubs
Here are the new links to sign up to the ever popular athletics clubs.
Wednesday – Year 1 & 2 https://forms.gle/ Friday Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 https://forms.gle/ They will start this week. ______________________________ Children In Need/Pudsey We will be marking the day (Friday 16/11/23) with a non uniform/Pudsey items day. We ask for a voluntary donation which can be made via Parent Pay. ______________________________ Odd Socks Day To mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week (Monday 13/11/23), we are asking pupils to pop on a pair of odd socks to celebrate our uniqueness. At Mortimer, one of our 4 key ethos is “We are all different. Our differences make us unique.” ______________________________ Poppies We have a very small supply of poppies and other stationary. We will sell these on Wednesday and Thursday break time. On sale in the year 5 and 6 practical area. Poppy zippers/Slap bands/Wrist bands – 50p Sticker poppies – a suitable donation ______________________________ Christmas Dates Our diary of events has been published on our Website. https://mortimerprimary.co.uk/