Mortimer Primary School
Excellence for all
Latest News for Mortimer – 18.10.21
The 1st half term of the year is nearly over as the leaves begin to fall and the nights get much darker. It has been a busy six weeks so far, with the issues of the school roof feeling a long time ago. Soon we will be singing Christmas carols and getting ready to pop tea towels on shepherds heads, but until then there is a lot happening…

  1. Wear Red Day
  2. Mental Health Peer Network
  3. Morrison’s Good to Grow
  4. Cauliflower Cards
  5. In-service day closure
  6. Leave of absence
  7. Parents Evening
  8. Diary dates
Have a great week!


1. Wear Red DayShow Racism the Red Card Day 2021- Friday 22.10.21

Children can wear something red to mark the day. If you are able, we ask that a small donation be made via Parent Pay. Football tops containing red are suitable.

During the day, activities will promote cultural diversity. More info

2. Mental Health Peer Network

Please see the attached document with the latest group details. For parents and carers who are supporting a child struggling with emotional or mental health. To be heard, supported and to share stories with others.

3. Morrison’s Good to GrowThank you to everyone who has nominated us to receive the Good to Grow vouchers. There is still time to collect and allocate them to Mortimer Primary. Download the Morrison’s app and collect in store or online. Visit morrisons.jpg
4. Cauliflower CardsCauliflower cards- Only return artwork to school if you have placed an online order and filled in the paperwork. Please note that the deadline to place online orders and have the accompanying artwork returned to school is October 18th – today! cauliflower.webp
5. In-service day closureMonday 15th November – the school will be closed to all pupils on this day. We reopen Tuesday 16th November. inservice.jpg
6. Leave of absenceAs you are aware, a LOA will only be granted under exceptional circumstances. After half term, following your written request (which must be completed one month prior to the planned absence) you will now receive an email informing you of the school’s decision. leave.jpg
7. Parents’ Evening

The 2nd session runs tonight. We hope you found/find it useful to meet with your child’s teacher. It has been a long time since we have been able to do this. This was our first time using an automated booking system, so we hope that you found it user-friendly.


8. Diary dates

  • 22.10.21 – Show Racism the Red Card – Wear Red Day
  • 22.10.21 – 3JDa Parent Assembly
  • 22.10.21 – School closes for half term
  • 01.11.21 – School reopens
  • 01.11.21 – Closing date for Year 7 admissions
  • 15.11.21 – In-service day (school closed, reopens Tuesday 16th Nov)
  • 19.11.21 – Children in Need
  • 19.11.21 – 4KA Parent Assembly
Phone: 0191 455 4504
Email: [email protected]

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