Mortimer Primary School
Excellence for all
Latest News – 5.11.21
Welcome to our latest newsletter.

We continue to march on in difficult circumstances and provide the very best for every child. Halloween has gone and Bonfire night is here, then it’s six weeks till we break for Christmas! Where has the year gone! Please stay safe at your firework displays over the week, but enjoy!

Several things to update you all on this week.

  1. TT Rockstars
  2. Nursery Rhyme Day
  3. Poppies
  4. COVID19
  5. Children in Need
  6. World Book Day
  7. Diary dates
  8. Booking lunches
 1. TT RockstarsFor Maths Week England we will be taking part in a friendly competition involving schools from England from Monday 8th November to Thursday 11th November. It’s all done online via See for more details tt rock.png
2. Nursery Rhyme Day

The 15th – 19th November is World Nursery Rhyme week! On Tuesday 16th November, children in Nursery and Reception are invited to dress up as nursery rhyme character of their choice.

nursery rhymes.jpg
3. PoppiesWith Remembrance Sunday fast approaching, just a little reminder that we are selling poppies if any child wishes to purchase one. 50p donations. poppies.jpg
4. COVID19Thank you to all parents who have worn masks on drop off or collection. Your support is greatly appreciated with the rise in cases in South Tyneside.

At present, we have cancelled Tuesday choir practice but this will be reviewed at the end of next week.

5. Children in NeedThis year’s charity event takes place on Friday 19th November. As a school we will be going non-uniform and wearing pyjamas to school (appropriate ones please!). We will take donations via Parent Pay. Plans for each are being finalised and we will let you know asap.  cin.png
6. World Book Day

Some parents may be wondering what has happened to World Book Day. We will be taking part this academic year but our celebration of reading will fall in line with the official World Book Day in March 2022.

7. Diary dates
  • 8.11.21 – Year 6 Residential and Outdoor Ed. Week
  • 15.11.21 – In-service day (school closed, reopens Tuesday 16thNov)
  • 16.11.21 – Nursery rhyme day (Nursery & Reception dress up)
  • 19.11.21 – Children in Need
  • 19.11.21 – 4KA Parent Assembly
  • 22.11.21 – Year 5 Bikeability Week 1 Mon – Thurs
  • 26.11.21 – Year 4 Bikeability Class1
  • 30.11.21 – Theatre Visit to see The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
8. Booking lunches

Just a reminder that lunches need to be booked via Parent Pay by 10pm the Wednesday of the week before. Children without a booking will be offered a cold meal option but still have access to any hot sides eg roast potatoes etc.

Phone: 0191 455 4504
Email: [email protected]