Hello everyone,

Easter is just around the corner and the Easter Fayre starts tomorrow (25.3.21). A huge thank you to everyone who has donated cakes, biscuits and eggs for the fayre and raffle, we really appreciate it.

Many thanks for your continuing support.

Being on school grounds

Please can we ask that older brothers and sisters, who are coming on site to pick up siblings, adhere to social distancing and consider wearing a mask as they do in their own schools.

We continue to do our very best to minimise the potential spread of COVID19 and fully appreciate your support in doing this.

Easter Fayre

On Thursday 25th

Years Reception, 2 and 5 will head into the fayre.

On Friday 26th 

Years 1, 3, 4 and 6 will get their chance.

What to expect

We will have a number of stalls and games to check out. Most items will start from 20p. Please send change in with your child if you have it.

Stalls – Cakes & Biscuits. Craft shop. Sweets in a bag (Years 3,4,5,6). Drinks. Buy daffodils.

Competitions – Guess the chicks in the tub to win a large cuddly rabbit! Guess the number of eggs in the jar to win the eggs!

Games – Bunny bowling to win a Cream Egg. Pin the beak on the chick to win an Easter egg. Spin the wheel game to win an Easter egg.


Nursery – will take part in some Easter games in nursery.

Reception – can bring £1 where they will be able to purchase an Easter goodie bag and play some games!

Year 1 to Year 6 can bring a maximum of £3 to spend on goodies at the fayre.


Easter Raffle

Thank you to everyone who has bought a ticket via Parent Pay so far.  There are lots of prizes to win including The Rabbit Family cuddly toys!

Tickets are £1 and the draw will be made on Thursday 1st April.