Curriculum Intent
Our vision for Mortimer Primary School is to provide an outstanding education for every individual child. We strive to provide the very best, so that every single child reaches their full potential and leaves Y6 completely prepared, confident and excited for the next phase in their education.
Mortimer (infant and junior), subsequently Mortimer Primary, is extremely proud of its history in serving the community for over 100 years. We are a family – the Mortimer family – where everyone, whether child or adult, feels safe, welcome and that they belong. Because of this, they are willing to give and do their best. As a result, we create robust, trusting, honest and respectful relationships.
We want to give our children cultural capital on which to build, so every child, regardless of race, gender, socio -economic background or ability, partakes in experiences which will enable them to take a lead role in society in later life.
We promote an understanding of fundamental British values and what it means being part of modern British society, alongside celebrating the diversity of everyone at Mortimer Primary School.
We are forward thinking and with that we consider current global issues. We explore ways we can contribute to looking after our planet: protecting not only our Mortimer family, but every family wherever they are, for the future.
Above all, we believe our school gives every individual child an absolute firm foundation for life and wings for which to fly.
Our Aims
We aim to provide clear responsive leadership where we offer high quality learning experiences based on a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum so every child can access and find success.
We aim to provide bespoke provision tailored to every child with clear intentions, clear methods of implementation and the monitoring of the resulting impact.
We recognise that all pupils are equal and have their own individual strengths, needs and dreams. We aid this by delivering an exciting, well-planned and stimulating curriculum.
We promote an ability for pupils to have a sense of their own worth as well as an ability to respect and understand the beliefs and opinions of others.
We aim to demonstrate outstanding behaviour and are often commended for this. We encourage our pupils to behave in a manner of which we, as Mortimer, would be proud of, whether in lesson time, lunchtime, after school clubs or off site visits.
We support our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural experiences which are woven throughout the curriculum, allowing our pupils to flourish.
We aim to provide improved educational and social outcomes for our pupils through invaluable use and support of parents and the wider community.
We instil in our pupils our agreed Mortimer ethos:
Do your best and work with all your effort, as doing your best is more important than being the best.
Do something kind every day, as kind people are the best kind of people.
Be polite and always use your manners. Please and thank you are magic words.
We are all different. Differences make us unique.