Year 5 were given the exciting opportunity to experiment with Micro:bit devices using their Chromebooks. The session was delivered by Mrs Hayward and Mrs Chippendale from ICT in Schools. All children thoroughly enjoyed the session where they were able to demonstrate their excellent coding skills and learn all about the ways that computer software and hardware are programmed to work together.
Mortimer Primary School |
Excellence for all |
Sun Safety – 12.6.23 |
Dear parents/carers,
The warm weather is finally here! We just wanted to pass on some sun safety tips for children at Mortimer.
Last year, we have had positive feedback regarding the Soltan Kids Protect & Moisterise Suncare roll on SPF50+, which is available from Boots. We know that some parents watch for the ingredient Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, which is almond oil and is found in some products such as Nivea. The following statement was released about almond oil in Nivea products. They state that they have refined the product so that it does not have an allergic potential. Read more at Many thanks for your support Mr Bennett Head Teacher |
Excellence for Pupils – Excellence for Staff – Excellence for Parents |
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Phone: 0191 455 4504 |
Email: [email protected] |
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Mortimer Primary School |
Excellence for all |
Questionnaire Review – 8.6.23 |
Dear parents/carers,
On the 29th March, I sent a questionnaire to all parents asking for views and feedback on our school. With a pupil population of 615 pupils, we received 171 parent replies and I again thank everyone who took the time to respond. I wanted to share some of the headline figures and answers some of the questions and concerns that were raised. There were many positive and thankful comments about our school from parents and we will strive to improve further. Thank you for recognising the hard work of our staff and the care we aim to provide. We know that Mortimer holds a special place in many families hearts with multiple generations attending. Of the responses received, a small number of parents indicated that they wouldn’t recommend Mortimer Primary School to another parent at that time. I personally offered each parent an opportunity to meet with me. I have used the information from these meetings to target areas for growth and development. Thank you to those parents for sparing their time to help me further. We continue to be a sought after school, since January we have had several pupils transfer into Mortimer and we are now operating close to maximum capacity across the entire school in pupil numbers. Furthermore, in our recent teacher vacancy, we had over 60 applicants and look forward to welcoming a new staff member to Mortimer very soon. I continue to make myself accessible to all parents and welcome your feedback. Please contact me or my team if you wish to discuss or clarify any queries. I remain passionate about making Mortimer the very best it can be and a school parents are confident in. This is a journey and I look forward to strengthening home/school ties over the coming years. Thank you for your support and have a lovely weekend. Mr Bennett Head Teacher
Questionnaire Headlines Positive areas
Areas to improve
Questionnaire Direct Responses Q I can’t make meetings during the school day. Can they be recorded and shared? A We have tried to alter times to make meetings as accessible as possible. We know there isn’t a perfect time for all. We have begun to record important sessions and share these with parents.
Q Why has there not been a parent evening meeting since Christmas? A I took the decision upon becoming Head Teacher not to have a second consultation this academic year. This allowed maximum time to implement important changes and move the school forward. I recognise that several parents had hoped for a second meeting either in the spring or summer term. I do apologise for this not taking place, but want to reassure you that communicating your child’s progress regularly is high on my priorities. Before the end of term, we will be holding an open event for parents to come and see their child’s books. This will follow pupil reports being shared. Plans are already taking shape to fully develop a robust system to enable parents to be kept up to date with their child’s progress across the entire year. We will share details of this early in the autumn term. Parents do not have to wait for parents’ evening to speak to their child’s class teacher. We are happy to facilitate meetings if you require. Since Christmas we have held our SEND Parent Drop in sessions for specific parents, which were well attended.
Q Can children have access to more clubs? A I recognise that extra-curricular activities are very much sought after. Whilst, we do run several very popular clubs: athletics, performing arts, yoga, crafts/sewing, football, choir, cookery to name a few, however we are looking at how we can provide more opportunities.
Q What is the school’s main method of communication? A We are in a transition period at present. It is my intention to move the majority of communications to email to ensure they are received directly by the parent as letters can sometimes not make it home. Text messages are used to add reminders or urgent information. Facebook is used primarily to share good news and is not considered as a main communication avenue. Facebook Messenger is not used to communicate with parents.
Q How long do children have for lunch? A Children are given as much time as they need to finish their lunch. We operate a rota system for year groups, so that a single year group is not left till last every day. Lunch and school dinner children now mix in the hall.
Q Why do you not have a breakfast club? A At present, we recognise that Bright Kids offer a wraparound service which offers breakfast. Our recent year 6 SATs breakfast was a great success and we do support some families with breakfast in school. Whilst there are no immediate plans to start our own breakfast club, we will review this next year.
Q Can the KS1 Yard be open from 8:30 to be in line with KS2 yard? A We will review this for September 2023.
Q How can parents be more involved with school? A I am working to restart the PTA with two meetings already taken place. Further details will be going out to those parents who expressed an interest in being a part. We will also be holding an election for a parent governor in the Autumn term. We will be hosting an information session to help understand the role of a parent governor.
Q Is there a bike/scooter parking station for KS1? A Not currently. I have discussed this with the governors and we will be exploring how we add this facility to promote healthy travel to school.
Q Are there any plans to improve the playgrounds? A Yes! We lots lots of ideas and hope to work closely with the PTA to implement these plans. We want children to enjoy their time outside of class.
Finally… If you have read this far then thank you! If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My aim as Head Teacher is to bring about our motto of Excellence for All. For pupils, staff and parents. |
Excellence for Pupils – Excellence for Staff – Excellence for Parents |
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Phone: 0191 455 4504 |
Email: [email protected] |
Web: |
For those who have not yet heard, The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) gives free child safety advice to parents and carers as well as professionals who work with children. Their latest update (May 2023) has lots of valuable information around summer BBQ’s and checking your garden is ‘child proof’ ready for the warmer weather.
We hope you find the following information useful:
For Parents / Carers to be able support the young people in their lives, they need the relevant confidence, skills and knowledge. Often the best way for to get support is to connect with others who have or are experiencing a similar situation.
Mortimer Primary School |
Excellence for all |
Summer Term – 18.4.23 |
Dear parents/carers,
Welcome to Summer Term 2023! The weather may not be quite there yet, but there are signs! Events & Diary Dates There is a lot going on this term so please check out the parent calendar below. We are delighted to have secured a 2nd Thurston week for Year 6 pupils this term and we have already secured 2 slots for next year. We will be in contact with year 5 parents soon. We still have a few dates to confirm and will get these to you asap. School Clubs We have an overview of our clubs this term for you below. Our athletics club is ran by Chris (Start 2 Finish) and can be signed up via the links below: Wednesday KS 1 Friday KS 2 Key notes We see two Bank Holidays in May, with the King’s Coronation on Monday 8th May making the second. On Friday 5th May we will be holding our own Coronation Celebration. Lunch will be a special menu: Royal Roast, Buckingham Burgers, Empire Biscuits and Coronation Cookies. Orders are taken via Parent Pay as normal. Fishy Friday (as our children call it!) will be on Wednesday that week. Children can come in dressed in red, white and blue for the day! Year 6 There is still time to sign up and join is for the Year 6 SATs meeting tomorrow (19.4.23) @ 5:15. We will be discussing some of the additional items/events we will be adding this year for our year 6 pupils and parents. We hope to see you there. Sign up here
Thanks for your support Mr Bennett Head Teacher |
Excellence for Pupils – Excellence for Staff – Excellence for Parents |
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Phone: 0191 455 4504 |
Email: [email protected] |
Web: |
Mortimer Primary School |
Excellence for all |
A Parent Update – 12.4.23 |
Dear parents/carers,
As the summer term appears, I just wanted to update you regarding the following:
We will be sharing our terms dates and other key information for summer with you very soon. Thank you for your support Mr Bennett Head Teacher
Parent Feedback Thank to everyone who took the time to provide us with feedback. We received 171 responses and we are very appreciative of your answers and comments both positive and constructive. They provide a fantastic baseline of parent views and continues our push to work closely with parents. We have begun to read through the comments and view the answers. Once we have had time to fully evaluate these, we will share school responses and update parents. The lucky parent drawn was Simone Elliott – please pop to the school office next week for your prize. School Governing Body Update We are delighted to update you with the news that Fiona Clemence has been appointed as our new Chair of Governors following Rob Lloyd’s decision to step down after 10 years as part of our governing body. Huge thanks to Rob for his efforts and support to the school. Mrs Clemence has served as a parent governor prior to taking this role and our other parent governor, Keith James, has now become vice-chair. Congratulations and thanks to them both. Moving forward, we now have an opening for a new parent governor. We will be sending out details about an opportunity to meet with our new chair of governors and other governors. This will provide a chance for parents to hear about the work of the governing body; find out about what the role of parent governor entails and how you could play a part in helping us move the school forward. Watch this space for the meeting and election details during the summer term. School PTA As the new Head Teacher of Mortimer Primary, I am very keen to start building a group of super parents to create a PTA (Parent Teacher Association). A PTA that I can work with to make our school a better environment for children to learn, grow and develop; to raise extra funds through a wide range of fun and creative initiatives, events, and much, much more. So if you would like to play a BIG or little part in your child’s school and work with us to make Mortimer the best it possibly can be – then please complete the form below to express your interest and we will be in touch soon. Click here : PTA Interest Form |
Excellence for Pupils – Excellence for Staff – Excellence for Parents |
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Phone: 0191 455 4504 |
Email: [email protected] |
Web: |