Science club has got off to a great start with ten budding Year 2 scientists. Week one saw the children engaging in a ‘Magic Ball’ activity and week two involved making a laughing chicken. The children work enthusiastically during the club and the staff are so impressed with their scientific knowledge. All of the children are currently growing an alligator at home with the help of their parents. We will all look forward to the next session.
Please find below a selection of pictures taken at the recent Y2 trip to Beamish and a number of photos from Y2KB class assembly.
Our children have taken part in a wide variety of different sporting events and have done extremely well.
It’s been a busy seven weeks but our reception children are well and truly settled into their new classes. Here are a few pictures of their first few days captured at the start of the term.
Martin Lightfoot from the RNLI visited school today to deliver assemblies to both our Infant and Junior children. He talked to them about the dangers of being near water and the 4 rules they can follow to keep themselves safe. The 4 rules are: Stop and Think, Stay Together, Float and Call 999 or 112. The children were very responsive to Martin’s questions and he was very impressed by them. The children who were in Mrs Allan’s class last year then presented the RNLI with a cheque for £116.40 that they had raised in the summer from the sale of artwork. The RNLI receives no government funding and relies on fundraising efforts.
In Y2 the children have been reading a range of fantasy stories and decided to end the topic with a day dressed as their favourite character. Don’t they look fantastic in their costumes.
Reception had their own mini sports morning this week and enjoyed doing many team events which tested their speed, balance, agility and team working skills.
Great work Reception!
To celebrate the Royal Wedding, the Nursery children will be having a Royal picnic in our outdoor garden on Friday 18th May. We will be having one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Could you please send your child dressed for the occasion – Princes and Princesses.
We will be making and providing cakes and sandwiches so there is no need to bring anything.
Reception Children
To celebrate the Royal Wedding, the Reception children will be having an afternoon tea in the outdoor garden on Friday 18th May.
Could reception children please come dressed in anything red, white or blue.
Year 1 to Year 6
Children from Year 1 to Year 6 can bring a snack of crisps and a drink (not fizzy) for a royal tea party.

Year 1 are currently taking part in athletics sessions ran by Start 2 Finish. All our children from Reception through to Year 6 have the opportunity to take part. The lessons are ran on a lunchtime as part of the school’s comprehensive physical activity programme.