Mortimer Primary School
Excellence for all
A Parent Update – 12.4.23
Dear parents/carers,

As the summer term appears, I just wanted to update you regarding the following:

  • Parent Feedback
  • School Governing Body
  • PTA

We will be sharing our terms dates and other key information for summer with you very soon.

Thank you for your support

Mr Bennett

Head Teacher


Parent Feedback

Thank to everyone who took the time to provide us with feedback. We received 171 responses and we are very appreciative of your answers and comments both positive and constructive. They provide a fantastic baseline of parent views and continues our push to work closely with parents.

We have begun to read through the comments and view the answers. Once we have had time to fully evaluate these, we will share school responses and update parents.

The lucky parent drawn was Simone Elliott – please pop to the school office next week for your prize.

School Governing Body Update

We are delighted to update you with the news that Fiona Clemence has been appointed as our new Chair of Governors following Rob Lloyd’s decision to step down after 10 years as part of our governing body. Huge thanks to Rob for his efforts and support to the school.

Mrs Clemence has served as a parent governor prior to taking this role and our other parent governor, Keith James, has now become vice-chair. Congratulations and thanks to them both.

Moving forward, we now have an opening for a new parent governor.

We will be sending out details about an opportunity to meet with our new chair of governors and other governors. This will provide a chance for parents to hear about the work of the governing body; find out about what the role of parent governor entails and how you could play a part in helping us move the school forward.

Watch this space for the meeting and election details during the summer term.

School PTA

As the new Head Teacher of Mortimer Primary, I am very keen to start building a group of super parents to create a PTA (Parent Teacher Association). A PTA that I can work with to make our school a better environment for children to learn, grow and develop; to raise extra funds through a wide range of fun and creative initiatives, events, and much, much more.

So if you would like to play a BIG or little part in your child’s school and work with us to make Mortimer the best it possibly can be – then please complete the form below to express your interest and we will be in touch soon.

Click here : PTA Interest Form


Excellence for Pupils – Excellence for Staff – Excellence for Parents
Phone: 0191 455 4504
Email: [email protected]